Millennials opt for non-traditional rings

While diamonds were, for a minute, a lot of or less obligatory, a lot of and a lot of of today's young couples area unit choosing less ancient stones, like sapphires or rubies, to indicate commitment. they will stand out a lot of as distinctive and that they also canfunction the simplest way to rebel against what they see because the diamond industry's heavy-handed selling techniques.
"Millennial customers have distinctive preferences, that in some ways diverge from previous generations," Bank of America Merrill kill analyst Ashley Wallace aforementioned in an exceedingly analysis note from Gregorian calendar month 2016. "They tend to be a lot ofprice aware, a lot of involved with property and moral production, and sometimes price distinctive and individual merchandise versus things that area unit standardized and factory-made."
"Millennial customers have distinctive preferences, that in some ways diverge from previous generations," Bank of America Merrill kill analyst Ashley Wallace aforementioned in an exceedingly analysis note from Gregorian calendar month 2016. "They tend to be a lot ofprice aware, a lot of involved with property and moral production, and sometimes price distinctive and individual merchandise versus things that area unit standardized and factory-made."
Millennials opt for non-traditional rings
Reviewed by TIK

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