The benefits of beer yeast for fattening the face
Is the beauty of a woman's face is the basic ingredient which makes them trust herself, the more her face was beautiful was self-confidence greater, be more exciting admiration of others, lies the beauty of the face in net clean and fresh skin, and facial fullness is very important; many of the ladies ninety to make faces more fullness; Valuge beautiful and full of always looks like the moon, and there are a lot of ways that can be followed for fattening face, some of which falls under the cosmetic ways Kalpotks, collagen, silicone, planting fat, these methods are quick effect and more
effective, and there are natural ways; CTN And for certain types of foods, or use masks made from natural materials, but these methods need to continue permanently to give the desired result, it is more natural materials that help in the face of fattening is brewer's yeast.
We often hear about beer yeast, and its substantial role in the fattening of the body or certain areas, but what is the brewer's yeast?
Definition of beer yeast
Beer Yeast can be defined as grains extracted from the fermentation process of starches such as rice, corn and barley. They are also extracted from natural materials containing sugar in very large amounts, such as apple peel or grapes, and have been named by brewer's yeast because of the old method of manufacturing. Brewing products and residues, while the modern method of making them is yeast, a fungal plant.
The benefits of beer yeast
Brewer Yeast contains a large number of important and beneficial nutritional values for the body in general, and for the skin in particular, and the most prominent of the substances present in them are: the group of vitamins B, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, B12, and a range of acids, including glycerine, proline, hydrospolurin, and cetyne-arginine. The most important minerals contained in beer yeast are calcium, copper, manganese, and sodium.
Uses Beer Yeast
Beer Yeast can be used to make many useful face masks that make it more full. Here are some of these stickers:
The first catcher
A tablespoon of pure honey, a small teaspoon of beer yeast, a teaspoon of yogurt and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix the previous ingredients with each other, and then put the mixture on the face for 45 minutes, after which the face is washed with warm water , And then put a moisturizing cream on the face, notes the result of this catcher after using it for a whole week.
Catcher II
A teaspoon of small-sized beer yeast, a little ordinary water or rose water, and a vitamin A capsule. The yeast is mixed with water, and then a vitamin A capsule is added to the face and left for 10 minutes. Here you should stay as far as possible from the eyes and nose.
The benefits of beer yeast for fattening the face
Reviewed by Unknown

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