The small animals in the world
these shapes or sizes of animals are large, such as the giraffe or the elephant, and what is small in size, such as the American dwarf straw monkey or the golden frog or the Etruscan fly dwarf where there are many of these small species of animals, Which are not known to many people, due to the lack of fame of these types of small species of animals to a high degree and the inability of people often see them intensely or frequently, due to the areas where you live, for example forests and the hiding of many of them between the branches of trees or in the cracks etc. Caves or stone's share.
The smallest animals in the world: - There are many small animals in the world, including: -
ANIMAL ANIMAL: An animal is primarily a group of mammals, which give birth, and breastfeed their children despite the small size, and is an animal with small ears in size, and what is rectangular, small and the neck is short to a high extent, but hardly be Phenotype is a small, relatively small animal with a weight of only 700 grams. Its length ranges from 14 to 30 centimeters, where finfish are found, and they are very high in most parts of Europe as well as Africa. , And Asia, an animal that is primarily active at night, hiding in the daylight hours under the leaves of the prophet Tat or in the caves or in the cracks of the rocks, is an animal depends in its food on the treatment of worms, beetles, cockroaches in addition to the afflicted, and other types of small invertebrates
The dwarf rabbit is one of the smallest species of rabbits, which was originally found in the North American continent. The dwarf rabbit is an animal whose length varies from 24 to 29 cm while its weight is about 400 g The females are slightly larger in size than males, and are usually living in those areas that are characterized by deep soil as well as the presence of dense and long perennial plants, which is due to the fact that the dwarf rabbit used it to disappear by In addition to providing him with the necessary foodstuffs for his life The broad hole, the good pathways to escape the predators.
Golden Frog: -
The golden frog is one of the smallest species of animals in the world. It lives heavily in the southern hemisphere, and the golden frog reaches its body length to only 9.8 millimeters.
Fly Etruscan (pygmy): -
The Etruscan fly is one type of animal that is very similar to a fly. It is known as the Troscan or the Dwarf. The weight of that fly varies from 1.2 g to 2.7 g. It can be considered one of the mammal species In the world, although it is a bit longer than the bee bat, the length of which is between the length of (36) to (53) boredom sometimes, measuring the length from the head to the base of the tail, and live The dwarf fly in forests or areas where the branches are high, particularly in the area of the south The continent of Asia, and the southern continent of Europe, and is up to (15) months, but the diet is highly dependent on eating insects, and the dwarf fly beats her heart about (14) times, and that in a second, The brain is the largest of all animals, although small, in terms of the proportion of the brain to the weight of the body of the fly dwarf, and accordingly the size of the brain of the fly dwarf is even greater than the size of the brain in humans.
Turtle Badleupr dotted: -
The Baldlofer turtle is one of the smallest species of animals. It is located in the southern part of Africa. The length of the tortoises of the tortoise is about 8 cm, while the female length is approximately 10 cm
The small animals in the world
Reviewed by Unknown

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