Atypical’ Does Mental Health Better Than ‘12 Reasons Why
On Atypical, even Sam’s mother attends a support group, and she’s generally better for it. There are still problems, but the overall attitude towards taking care of yourself and finding a way to deal with things that make you feel hopeless is consistently positive. Atypical perpetuates a healthy outlook on the issues surrounding counseling and psychological assistance, and it counts. When you’re making a show – especially one targeted towards young adults – the messaging matters. It’s why there has been an unsettling apparent uptick in suicide attempts since 13 Reasons Why‘s release. We can only hope that a series as mental health conscious as Atypical begins to erase the toxic effects of its predecessor and instead paints therapy, seeking help, and self care in a whole new light for our most vulnerable population.
Atypical’ Does Mental Health Better Than ‘12 Reasons Why
Reviewed by TIK
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