Best dogs in the world
The best dogs in the world Dogs Pets have long lived with humans and is the best friend has known since ancient times and used in the custody and care of livestock and sheep many benefits and is known for its intelligence and loyalty to its breeders, so it must be the dog leads many services to humans, including:
First: Fishing assistance. It helps to find the prey, where it makes birds fly in the air to be hunted by the hunter. Or smells of smell from a distance and stands and looks in the direction so that the fisherman to walk in this direction. When the bird is caught and is located at a long distance and difficult to reach the dog starts with a sense of smell, and looking for prey to find and bring to the fisherman. Second: Helping grazing, guarding sheep and cattle and protecting them from wolves and thieves, as well as driving and guiding them and preventing them from breaking away from the herd.
Third: The guard, he guards the houses, farms and property and protects them from thieves. Fourth: Rescue: There is a breed of dogs trained to save people who lost the road in the glaciers or hot deserts, and there is a kind of dogs have advantages over other dogs are swimming master and trained to save others (who are about to drown) , Dogs are also used to locate wounded and rubble of collapsed houses. Fifth: Police and military tasks. Where dogs are used to track down criminals and detect the locations of dead, drug traffickers and explosives. It is also used in wars to detect mines and conduct communications in the military. The best dogs in the world are: German
1. Shepherd Shepherd (German Shepherd): This kind of dog began in the late 1800s in 1899. This type of dog was used extensively in the care of livestock and the guarding of houses and property. Due to its strength, intelligence, and ability This dog is used to help the police and army in all countries of the world. The dog is known for its loyalty and great love for its owner. Doberman -
2 type characterized by speed and agility and loyalty to the owner, which is a kind of vigilance and attention, and this makes it distinct from other types of others is the best in guarding at all, and the most important features that he always feel pride ...
3 - Routine is a creation to guard his instincts and instincts; his strength is from medium to large; This type of dog needs special treatment and attention by the owner and if abused or trained it becomes another dog unusual.
4 - Mastiff Mastiff is a strong and self-confident dog who is always ready to defend his friends and his area at all costs. He also has a strong instinct of defense, great size, keenness and attention to strangers.
5 - Rhodesian dog origin of this dog to South Africa, and what it shows that in the smart and tactful is the movement of light, and what is said that he needs a lot of training, which made him jealous of the appetite for acquisition, especially from new breeders or dog lovers.
6 - Polycarbonate is a kind of large dogs, color is slanted to whiteness, is of Hungarian origin, and its external form does not indicate the effectiveness of the guard, but it is surprising that it was used in World War II by Russia when they turn on the Germans and the capture of their soldiers and their entry to Houses and German Lands. The scenes are deceptive.
8 - Janet Schnauzer is a large dogs and the features of calm and love of work, preferably with companions most of the time, which is easy to learn during training, his understanding of the orders very fast, it is better to bring another dog to live with him because this kind likes to live in a group and not lonely .
9 - Akita is also a large-sized dogs, Japanese origin, but spread widely in the United States, a dog is fierce and characterized by its elegant form and strength and the shape of the head, which resembles the head of the bear, a dog attacking, likes to live in the areas of the cold mountains, Education in the home for families, but difficult to try and treat, it is best to buy a coach.
10 - Tosa Ainu This dog is of very old species. It dates back to hundreds of years. Its origin is Japanese. It has a large head size. It is one of the dogs used in Dog Fights and it is used to guard houses. With kids
Best dogs in the world
Reviewed by نافدة المعلومات

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