Ways to have sex: What men want and what women want!
It is assumed that there is a fundamental difference between men and women in the way in which sexual desire is aroused. "In men, physical gravity works - when a beautiful girl sees excitement and erection.
When a woman is not yet known how the mechanism works and how sexual excitement occurs. If they had known they would have been available now, Viagra for women.
When women enter the equation additional factors. For example, how was the first sexual experience of women and what 'taste' she had left.
"Sex in men is an instinct - a man is always willing to have sex and is easily aroused," says the specialists, who say that "in women, sex is a reaction - a reaction to the emotional and emotional process it takes after identifying a man.
Foreplay before sex
Sexologists believe that men need less caresses: "In men, the focus is on sexual organs, and they go directly to their members and their sexual partners, while the focus on women is more on the limbs - until women reach sexual organs, long.
When women, foreplay is more important to reach the state of sexual arousal. For example, some women want hugging, spinning, feeling affectionate, romantic and so on. In men, all these things are less important, usually.
Men tend to skip the foreplay because they want to enter, to satisfy their lust. Women need caresses to enter the sexual process. Without caressing, many women feel that they are like a tool. Today, there has been a clear change and young people are becoming more aware of the need for women to play.
Community against provoking controversy
Social education causes differences between men and women. "Society sends different messages to men and women, from an early age."
For example, women often find it more difficult to have oral sex, or to get this kind of sex. Women who want to have oral sex often look at themselves and society sees them as "falling," and so on.
Women find it even harder to accept oral sex. Some even get disgusted by their sexual organs and think, "Why does a man want to play with my sexual friend because he is disgusting?"
Some women think to themselves: If you are a woman who has sex, or in private places - at sea, in the kitchen, on the washing machine, what does that mean to me, what will they think of me, only prostitutes and hiccups do.
By contrast, men are more connected to sex and their sexual partner. It is easier for them to have oral sex. Men allow themselves more to enjoy all the time and everywhere. They do not think what society or women will think of them if they have oral sex, for example.
Men from Mars and women from Venus
Man is allowed to be "Don Juan". Men do not have social taboos or negative messages from society. They have social legitimacy.
"Men teach them how to conquer, get things in life, and so do sex, getting women and sleeping," the specialists say.
Beauty and appearance
Sometimes, women are more sexually closed, than men, because of self-perception. "Society favors slender, beautiful and young women.
There is social pressure on women to be skinny, and even thin women, at times, are even ashamed of their bodies and think they are not thin enough. A close relationship is known between eating disorders and sexual performance problems.
This social lesson makes women more sexually closed. If a woman does not like her body, it will be difficult to accept her sexuality.
In contrast, most men are usually affected by their outward appearance during sex. Rash or aging does not usually limit the desire of strong men to have sex.
General atmosphere and sex
Women need an appropriate atmosphere to enter the sexual process. "The low light, so you do not see the flaws, the music ... They want the husband to be clean and tidy, to be a party full of feelings, to have no other thoughts and things to worry about. Do I do tomorrow? "
"Women are multi-tasking": they can think of a thousand things while having sex, yet they enjoy it.
But in men, everything simply works more, they do not need a special atmosphere. This is too much for them, and they do not need as much atmosphere as women to get erections and sexual arousal.
Effect of differences on marital relationship
How do differences between men and women affect the first encounter?
In theory, in most cases, a man wants to have sexual intercourse since the first encounter and even before his marriage. While women do not do so, in part because society has decided that if a woman agrees to intercourse in the first encounter, she is considered a prostitute. Fortunately, in practice our society does not allow such cases and does not apply on the ground.
Men want intercourse, because the girl likes them in terms of appearance. But women do not usually agree to accept men if they think the man does not fit them, even if they look beautiful in their eyes.
Finally, how do all these differences affect the marital relationship?
The differences between men and women in terms of sexuality, and in everything else in life, can affect three different forms: Either the difference leads to disintegration of the relationship, the difference leads to conflicts within the relationship, or the couple matured and reach a solution Center.
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Ways to have sex: What men want and what women want!
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