Do not hesitate to urinate anymore!
Peeing is one of the ways that the body can get rid of dirt in the body, usually consists of water, salts and chemicals, as the kidneys form this urine through filtering dirt from the blood, but what is the amount of urine absorbed by the human bladder?
The bladder's bladder density varies from person to person depending on the health status and age group of course, as follows:
A healthy adult bladder can absorb approximately 0.47 liters of urine, about two glasses of fluid.
Children less than two years: their bladder can not absorb more than 0.11 liters
Children are older than two years: The amount of bladder that is absorbed by this group of children is calculated by dividing their age by two and by adding six to the product. In other words, the child is 10 years old (10/2) (Ounces)).
Refrain from urinating: Is it safe?
Although the bladder can expand the amount of urine previously mentioned, many people are reluctant to urinate if needed for various reasons. In general, if the urinary system is healthy, not keeping away from urination is a serious problem, but you will certainly feel uncomfortable if the bladder is full and not urinating.
If you have an active bladder, refraining from urinating may be good and important training for the bladder, as it will help you to control it better.
In general, there are no rules or recommendations about the timing of urination, it varies from person to person as we mentioned, in some cases may be reluctance to urinate when needed, especially if you suffer from the following diseases:
What happens in the body when you refrain from urinating?
The feeling of urination comes as a result of the bladder filling with fluid. If it is filled with half, the nerves in the bladder are activated to send a signal to the brain for the purpose of urination. The brain then sends a signal to the bladder to keep the urine inside until the person decides to use the toilet. Peeing is accompanied by an anti-signal that is sent from the bladder and brain by the need to urinate.
These signals vary from person to person, and they fall during the night so you can enjoy a quiet night's sleep.
Women need to urinate more often after their first childbirth, and this is due to changes in birth, including weak pelvic floor muscles.
What are the risks of avoiding urination?
The risk of urinary tract infections increases. Failure to urinate regularly helps the bacteria to multiply in the bladder leading to infection.
In rare cases, urine may return to the kidneys causing damage.
The inability to empty the bladder completely when urinating after long refraining from it.
What to do if you can not find a toilet?
In general, you should urinate when you feel the need, but in some cases it may be almost impossible to find a toilet.
Busy your mind with something else like games
Listening to music
Stay seated
Read a book or browse social networking sites
Make sure to stay warm, the cold encourages the need to urinate.
In summary, refraining from urinating sometimes will not cause you harm if you are healthy, but doing so permanently will cause you various health problems!
Do not hesitate to urinate anymore!
Reviewed by نافدة المعلومات

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