The world of birds
The world of birds Scientists are still discovering a lot of new information about this vast bird world, where the world of birds attracts a large group of scientists, whales and lovers of birds, who are immersed in this world to reveal the hidden and the wonders and temptations, in this world nine thousand different species of birds known, And vary from each other in different sizes, colors, shape, and nutrition, and their ability to fly, in addition to the places where they live. Habitats in the world of birds Most species of birds live in swarms, and remain around each other throughout life. Birds also follow a fixed system in the nature of their living and their marriage, characterized by the other animals and organisms. The male birds use this trait in the mating season to attract females to it, where the male has an individual feather and puff and show it clearly, the aviators explain this behavior in one of the types of yarn directed by the male towards the female.
Twitter Male and female use their beautiful voices during Twitter to attract the opposite sex, as an expression of their desire to mate with them. Even birds with disturbing sounds like the crow and the bass start to sing with beautiful voices in the mating season. Gifts to the birds even guide each other, often the gift is directed from male to female, and the gifts of birds are limited to their interests either be a kind of food alternating birds Bnqarimama or be a stick, this stick represents the pillar on which the female will nest to lay eggs , Indicates the consent of the female to these gifts on her desire is also to marry with the male Mahdi, but in the case of rejection of these gifts begins male looking for another female to mate with them. Spinning The two birds need a period of spinning and authentication to identify and draw towards each other, in which the male bird courting the female Vidbuan as if they are playing together, and keep throughout this period are intertwined with each other in preparation for the period of mating. Mating The married female and male represent a successful example of a cohesive, cooperative family. While the female is preoccupied with laying eggs, the male brings the necessary food to the nest, and the male and female alternate in incubating the eggs until they hatch, , Providing her food and water, teaching her how to fly and relying on herself in the search for food.
The world of birds
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