Strange food may get rid of the symptoms of gout
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Eating a diet called ketogenic diet, a low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet, may help reduce symptoms of gout, researchers at the New York-based journal Cell Reports suggest.
People develop gout because of excess uric acid production or insufficient production, so uric acid crystals are deposited in the tissues and fluids, thus stimulating the immune system, to show different symptoms such as pain, inflammation and high temperature. Activation of immune system cells in this way is the result of a protein that causes inflammation called NLRP3.
The diet that the researchers studied, which is characterized by low carbohydrate and which enters the body followed by a condition called Ketosis (Ketosis), during which the body is able to burn fat and converted to energy very effectively, and helps this diet to reduce the level of sugar in the blood to Along with many different health benefits.
The researchers suggested that following this diet would reduce uric acid crystals accumulated in patients with gout.
The ketogenic diet increased beta hydroxybutyrate and thus inhibited the aforementioned NLRP3 protein, which significantly reduced symptoms of gout without affecting the functioning of the immune system or its ability to fight foreign bodies.
The researchers stressed that they need to do more in-depth experiments in this regard to confirm the results.
Strange food may get rid of the symptoms of gout
Reviewed by نافدة المعلومات

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